상품번호 : 103 | |
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가격: 108,000원 (부과세 별도)
제품 사양:
Power supply 12~36V DC
Humidity working range 0..100%RH
Humidity sensing element Polymer humidity capacitor
Output for humidity 0~5V DC or 0~10V DC or 4~20mA
Accuracy of humidity +-2%RH(10-95%RH, at 25Celsius); <+-5%RH(-40..80Celsius)
Repeatability +-0.3%RH
Hysteresis +-0.3%RH
Sensitivity for humidity 0.1%RH
Drift rate per year +-0.5%RH
Temperature sensor DS18B20
Accuracy of temperature +-0.3Celsius(at 25Celsius)
Output for temperature 0~5V DC or 0~10V DC or 4~20mA
Temperature working range : 0~50Celsius, -20~80Celsius, -40~60Celsius
Storage temperature range -40..80Celsius
Case ABS
Electrical connection Screw connector( Max1.5mm2)
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회사명 : 씨링크테크
| 사업자등록번호 : 113-07-88562 [사업자정보확인]
| 주소 : 강원도 횡성군 둔내면 석문길 235 통신판매업 신고 : 2016-강원횡성-28 | 연락처 : 010-6227-3140 | 개인정보관리 책임자 : 김승학 | 대표자 : 김승학 contact : capbit@c-linktech.co.kr for more information |